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The Webmaster Posted This Page on November 7, 2006

As I was watching the News on TV on October 13, 2006 up in our living room in USA, and surfed the internet afterwards, it trully felt nice for a change to see a true humble, hardworking, brilliant, and honest Bangladeshi Economist, Dr. Muhammad Yunus, Ph.D. has Won the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize Award on October 13, 2006 for his contribution in micro-credit system and also in establishing Grameen Bank in Bangladesh which is a role model for removing poverty from the poorest of the poor in the World.

Dr. Muhammad Yunus has dedicated all his life (about more than 15 years) to establish all of this so-called micro-credit system and establishing the Grameen Bank from his own pocket money in Bangladesh. As Dr. Yunus said, "It wasn't easy.", well, truthfully, he is right because nothing in the world is easy..What amazed me the most is that even through his hardship in establishing Grameen Bank in Bangladesh with his micro-credit system, he stayed with his goal in removing poverty from the poorest to poor in the world. Dr. Yunus' so-called 'micro-credit' program has been successfully implimented not Only in Bangladesh, but also all around the world. He is also well known as the 1994 World Food Prize Laureate..So, I would like to say: Lots of Congratulations and Hail!! Hail!!! to Dr. Muhammad Yunus for his success!:)

Dr. Muhammad Yunus is indeed, trully an asset and pride for Bangladesh. Unfortunately, I heard some Bangladeshi people criticize about Dr. Yunus' theory of micro-credit program. If anyone disagrees with Dr. Yunus' theory of micro-credit program, why not Step Forward, take the initiative and help build a better world for all of us? Lets all of us help each other all around the nations everywhere to help build a better planet? Dr. Muhammad Yunus cannot make a better world for all of us by himself. Like Dr. Yunus, We need more honest, humble, and hardworking individuals all around the planet to help build better future for all of us.;)

My Sources:

Nobel Peace Prize 2006 Announcement





Yahoo! NEWS


Yahoo! UK News

World Food Prize

My Written Article on Dr. Muhammad Yunus' Life Story

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