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Last Updated: January 29th, 2007

This Page was created by the Webmaster on December 16, 2006 A.D.

Hello Friends, Relatives, my Fans, and Everyone out there,

Announcement: I am Proud to announce that I had my 1st TV Show Host Recordings with Channel i, Dhaka, Bangladesh yesterday December 15th, 2006. The Name of my TV Show is call "Ashian City Gaaner Shurey". It's basically a musical program morning show.

Time/Schedules for the Show: My First TV Show Hostings was shown in Channel i in December 17th, 2006 at 8:30am Bangladesh time, and my Other TV Shows will be shown when time permits in future.

My Experience of the show: was wonderful and unforgetible. Everyone who helped me in doing the show were very helpful and cooperative.

People to Thank: I want to give my special thanks to Channel i Producer Mr. Iftekhar Monem, The Make-up Man Artist Mr. Dulal (who was also a Freedom Fighter of Bangladesh), The Channel i crew members who helped me with this tv show, my family, and my love one who supported me to do this show. Hope all of you will enjoy watching my TV Show Hostings in Channel i. Thanks for coming into my website. Hope you enjoy your stay in my Website. So, Come Again.

-Farzana Bashar (Munmun)

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